Eridanus Optics CC
Postal Address PO Box 100148
  Moreleta Plaza
Cell 083 632 4894
Fax 086 636 2283
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Now in stock
1. Orion XT10 Intelliscope
2. 1¼” 18% Moon Filters
3. LASER Collimator
4. 2x Barlow lens (1¼”)
Eridanus Optics CC can supply almost any astronomy product.  Contact us if you can't find what you are looking for on these pages.
Green Laser Pointers have the following two benefits over red Laser pointers:
  • More light is scattered in the atmosphere at the green wavelengths (532nm).
  • The human eye see green light better than red light.

These two factors contribute to the fact that a visible green beam is visible to the human eye when a green Laser is operated at night.  When pointing to ground targets, the spot can be seen on the targets over one kilometer away.  It is ideal for pointing out stars at star parties and usually attracts immediate attention.  This product is in high demand since we introduced it in our product range in November 2005 and we cannot always keep up with the demand.  Contact us to secure your green laser pointer.  The output power of the pointer is less than 5mW and it is classified as a Class IIIA laser device.

IMPORTANT:  Whlie looking for a reliable source of green LASER pointers, we found that some pointers transmit dangerous amounts of infra red light.  Because the human reflexes cannot protect against infra red radiation, this poses a serious risk if you are unaware of this radiation.  Our green LASER pointers are all tested to ensure that there is harmless amounts (<0.05mW) infra red light transmitted.  

Green LASER Pointer (Special)

WARNING:  NEVER point the LASER pointer to people or animals.  Eye damage may occur.  Always use under Adult supervision.