Eridanus Optics CC
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  Moreleta Plaza
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1. Green Laser Pointers
2. 1¼” 18% Moon Filters
3. 8" Dobsonian (GSO)
4. 2x Barlow lens (1¼”)
The moon calendar can be used to plan your observation sessions.  Depending on your motivation, you'll have to view on different times:
Deep sky observing:  The brightness of the Moon causes skyglow that reduces contrast.  This means that you can only see brighter objects.  The time between sunset and moonrise is always a good time to plan your observation session for.  This allows for evening viewing and occurs in the period between Full Moon and New Moon.  The longer the period (closer to New Moon), the longer your observation session can be.  If you plan to view something in the morning, then you should plan for the period between New Moon and Full Moon and plan your session to occur after moonset.
Moon:  The Moon itself provides magnificant viewing opportunities and can easily be viewed in daylight.  The best area to view is the terminator.  This is the line separating the sunlight part from the dark area.  Shadows of the numerous craters and mountains provide spectacular outlines and change all the time.

The Moon is a bright object and you should use a suitable moonfilter to make your session more enjoyable during night time.

When viewing the Moon during daytime you should avoid looking to the Sun or pointing your telescope in the Sun's direction.

Other:  You may have a requirement to view a specific object under the best possible conditions.  Objects such as comets and asteroids are at their best on specific times.  You may also be in a area without light pollution on a specific date.  Knowledge of the Moon phase and its rise and set times will allow you to make the most of the opportunity.

Cape Town:   November 2007; December 2007
PretoriaNovember 2007; December 2007