Eridanus Optics CC
Postal Address PO Box 100148
  Moreleta Plaza
Cell 083 632 4894
Fax 086 636 2283
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What's New?
Now in stock
1. Green Laser Pointers
2. 1¼” 18% Moon Filters
3. 8" Dobsonian (GSO)
4. 2x Barlow lens (1¼”)
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November 2005 (Andromeda); December 2005 (47 Tucanae); January 2006 (Orion)
February 2006 (Crux); March 2006 (Crosses in the Southern sky)April 2006 (Centaurus)
May 2006 (Targeting Scorpio); June 2006 (In the coils of the water snake);
July 2006 (Stunning Sagittarius); August 2006 (Winter triangle), November 2006 (Snake and spider)
December 2006 (Taking on Taurus the Bull); May 2007 (Deep Sky Sailing);
June 2007 (The king and the charmer); July 2007 (More globular clusters in Ophiuchus)
December 2007 (Summer Triangle); February 2008 (Dwarfs in the river);
August 2008 (Deep sky targets in Aquarius)
Comet C/2007 N3 Lulin; Comet 144P Kushida (2009)